The Masjid

Central Jamia Mosque Ghamkol Sharif, a registered charity, has already started an ambitious and transformational change in service delivery, as articulated in other sections of this website.

At the heart of the work of the charity is the iconic Masjid, and the associated services we are delivering or planning to deliver.  These services will be delivered on-site and or off-site.

The needs of our local community to access services and bring about changes for the betterment of the whole community is prevalent for all to see.  Sadly many residents, families and friends experience this first-hand in the catchment area.

Since the early eighties, when the founding trustees embarked upon meeting the needs of the local community, much has changed in the area.  The demographics, the technological and social challenges that our children and young people face, the lack of quality services for women, the disengagement and disenfranchisement of the local youth, as well as many other religious, social and community requirements.

As a faith-based charity, the solution, and the only solution, is to deliver a broad range of Islamic services, including outreach work that meets the needs of our contemporary society.

There is a real need for Islamic charitable services, that enhance, and develop upon the traditional services that are common and well-established from a Masjid.

Your generous donations will support the work of the charity and allow us to introduce new services, as well as the modernisation and upkeep of the Masjid.

Services such as marriage guidance, bereavement counselling, family mediation, short courses on the essential teachings of Islam, parenting support and support in health related matters.

We have also started work on updating and modernising the Masjid. Your kind hearted and generous donations will also support the refurbishment of the Masjid, work is required on completion of the windows, new carpet, re-surfacing of the carpark and better carpark access/exit control and parking restrictions.

One of our core services, is that of bereavement services.  The delivery of the obligatory and associated services to support families at one of the most difficult times, due to the loss of a loved one.  

We would like to improve the current Ghusl (washing) and deceased resting area, including improvements to viewing and paying respects for the deceased.  Capital works are also required for the sisters section, with a better ablution area and increasing capacity, including introducing a safe and engaging outdoor area for young children, who accompany their parents to the Masjid.