Your Journey Towards Arabic Mastery

Explore the beauty and depth of the language of the Qur’an and our Beloved Prophet ﷺ


Arabic is from the family of Semitic languages, and is one of 5 dominant languages spoken across many parts of the world. It is spoken by over 375 million people, and in over 58 countries.

The single most historical importance of the language is; it is the language of Islam, the language of the Holy Qur’an and that of our Beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him).


Due to personal and collective prosperity, the level of general literacy, has increased exponentially in many languages and across all communities, in recent times.

Due to technological changes, information dissemination has exploded, information is very accessible, and as a result, there are very few communities in the West who have not been exposed to Islam.


However, regardless of the prosperity, the literacy gains, and technological benefits, very few Muslims have embarked upon learning Arabic, the language of Islam.

The reasons for this are manifold; predominately, the accessibility and learning methodology has been steeped in traditional teaching methods, with little importance attached to learning the actual language, as a language.


To comprehend the Arabic language is a prerequisite to understanding the Qur’an; and to understand the Qur’an is a fundamental requirement to becoming a better Muslim.

One must ask the question;

Do I have the means to learn Arabic to better understand the Qur’an?

If the answer is yes, then why would you deny yourself and your family this much needed benefit, in this life and the Hereafter.

There is no greater benefit than to learn Arabic and become a better Muslim. Knowing what is being said in prayer and when reading the Qur’an. Knowing how to read and understand Hadith. Knowing how to read some of the best texts written about Islam, in Arabic.

In addition, the ability to travel to many parts of the world and enjoy a better experience, be it for religious purposes, leisure or for work, learning Arabic achieves this.

Why choose this course?

• A student-centred learning methodology
• The delivery ethos is: this is a marathon and not a sprint
• Classroom learning is collective learning,
and not individual superiority
• The course is designed on the culture of personal development
and not professional development
• The values are tailored for communal benefits for the Ummah
• The classroom and teaching environment is non-judgemental

Course Curriculum

At the heart of learning is the teacher and the course materials.

The course is delivered by Ustadh Saqib Rashid. He has been learning the Arabic language for a number of years, both in the UK and abroad. and continues to do so.

The course material to be used, has been specially designed in the Arab world, for non-native speakers, and is widely used in centres of language excellence across the Middle-East.

Ustadh Saqib, will be supported by other teaching staff as and when required, to ensure your learning journey is successful.

The Core Curriculum

Students will progressively work through the books known as ‘Silsilat Al-Lisan’, translated as the ‘Chain of the Language’.
Each level has 2 core books, therefore 8 in total.


Al-Kitab Al-Tamhidi
£ 240
  • Up-to 9 Months duration
  • 1.5 Hours per week
  • 30 Minutes Self Study


Al-Kitab Al-Mubtadea
£ 320
  • Up to 12 months duration
  • 2 hours per week
  • 60 Minutes Self Study


Al-Kitab Al-Mutawasset
£ 550
  • Up to 18 months
  • 2.5 Hours per week
  • 90 Minutes Self Study


Al-Kitab Al-Mutaqaddem
£ 830
  • Up to 24 months
  • 3 hours per week
  • 120 Minutes Self Study


Students will work in a lecture setting and in smaller groups. More able students will support less able students in group working.

Workshop exercises will be focused on experiential and action learning, and less on theoretical learning. In the group workshops students will be using written, verbal and reasoning skills, to learn and become competent in the language.


Students will be buddied into small groups, with a lead person responsible to offer additional support to ensure there is success throughout the student’s learning process.

Where a student has been identified who is struggling and falling behind, additional support will be made available, either individually or collectively.

Tajweed & Qur’an recitation

For students, who wish to also focus on this area of learning, there will be separate courses to support brothers and sisters.

Pre-Foundation: Learning Objectives

Al-Kitab Al-Tamhidi

• How to read, write and pronounce Arabic letters & numbers;
• Ask and respond to simple questions;
• Basic grammar, such as pronouns, comparing short vowels
and long vowels, prepositions, adjectives;
• Common social phrases;
• Common vocabulary, such as, clothes, shopping, ordering
in a restaurant, time, dates, shapes, colours, furniture, senses,
organs, parts of the human body, health, weather, animals;
• Distinguish similar Arabic sounds and words;
• Basic reading and writing, including basic comprehension;
• Communicate with students in Arabic;

Foundation: Learning Objectives

Al-Kitab Al-Mubtadea

• Analyse written and audible materials;
• Compose sentences in different ways;
• Link sentences to each other in an appropriate way;
• Make dual form and plural form of a singular;
• Distinguish the empty letters and sounds
with no present letters;
• Use subject pronouns with verbs properly;
• Use accusative pronouns with verbs;
• Have a good question/ answer conversation;
• Distinguish indefinite and definite;
• Distinguish transitive and intransitive verbs;
• Distinguish subject, object, adjective and genitive
in a nominal sentence;
• Use relative pronouns;
• Comprehension of audible Arabic;
• Understand the structure of simple and compound sentences;

Intermediate: Learning Objectives

Al-Kitab Al-Mutawasset

• Writing Al-hamzah in the middle and end of the word;
• Inflection and indeclinable ending cases;
• Using adverbs of time and adverbs of place;
• Using the (إنَّ) and (كان) and its groups;
• Vocalic verbs with pronouns;
• Distinguishing transitive verbs with one object and
transitive verbs with two objects;
• Use relative pronouns skilfully;
• Use all kinds of conditional sentences;
• Write short essays in Arabic;
• Link sentences to each other skilfully;
• Interactive conversation with Arabic speakers;

Advanced: Learning Objectives

Al-Kitab Al-Mutaqaddem

• Form adjectives and use them;
• Describe and using adjectives competently;
• Use all kinds of adverbs;
• Differentiate between adverbs and adjectives;
• Form passive verbs;
• Form participles and use them;
• Using the causative object;
• Differentiate between indeclinable and declinable;
• Use exception and vocative form;
• Use exclamation forms;
• Use superlative form;
• Use restriction form;
• Use The Noun of Usage;
• Types of Hamzah in the beginning of the word;
• Interact with Arabic speakers efficiently;
• Write in Arabic in a smooth and profound way;
• Writing long essays in Arabic;
• Discuss different topics fluently;
• Understand and comprehend Arabic seminars and lectures;
• Handle any Arabic book, reference or newspaper.

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